Teaching and Learning 

Term  1

Year 12 

It is an exciting time for our Year 12 students in their final year of school at Concord School. On Tuesday 15th March, students and families are invited to be a part of our Careers and Post School Options Expo. This Expo will provide an opportunity for students, families and caregivers to gather information about services they may wish to access post school and to support the transition to life after school. A range of service providers will be in attendance that offer educational programs, preparation for employment and day support. 


Our Year 12 students have also been practising hard to prepare for the Year 12 Presentation Ball at The Centre, Ivanhoe on Friday the 25th of  March at 6.30pm. We are looking forward to a great celebration. 

International Women’s Day

Tuesday March 8th was International Women’s Day, an annual celebration of the social, cultural and political achievements of women across the world. This year’s theme is #BreakTheBias, designed to bring conscious and unconscious bias to the forefront. It calls on everyone to reflect on what steps can be taken to break the bias in our workplaces and communities. Celebrating women’s achievements recognises the contributions of women and helps break the biases that prevent women from accessing equal opportunities economically, in the workforce and in public life.


Women of all backgrounds and identities make incredible contributions to all aspects of life in our schools. We would like to acknowledge and celebrate the incredible achievements and contributions of our educators, support staff, mothers, carers and students that we have the privilege of working with every day. 

7/8 Spectacular Hairspray

Last year our Secondary 7/8 students performed the Secondary 7/8 Spectacular 'Hairspray'. You can watch the fantastic performance by simply clicking on the link: https://youtu.be/NLpNHnH5yf0




Karlie Gooding

Acting Assistant Principal

Teaching and Learning