
Year 8

This year’s Year 8 students have immersed themselves in their Japanese learning and are currently preparing for their speaking task, where they will introduce themselves and a friend, completely in Japanese. 


They have worked at learning the first 20 Hiragana symbols, numbers to 100 and several introductory questions and answers. We have managed to include a few cultural lessons where the students tried out calligraphy and then applied their skills to write “日本”(Japan) on a traditional den-den daiko (small hand-held drum). Our classroom looks great with the students’ work on display.


Year 9

An enthusiastic group of 10 students have started their Japanese elective experience enthusiastically this year. They began the term by creating avatars to help introduce themselves, and have been investigating places to visit in Japan and things that they may like to do. They will present their findings in a speech to the classmates at the end of the term.



Year 11

Year 11 Japanese students made a huge contribution to Open Night this year, introducing our subject and showing our prospective families some of the activities that we do in class.  


Their enthusiasm was infectious and Year 6 students went home with a hand-made bookmark with their name on it.  Our students also participated in a Zoom session with a school in Niigata prefecture in Japan last week, where they learned about the local area and undertook cultural quizzes. Due to time restraints, our presentation to Japan had to be postponed until next time.


Ms Genelle Keough | Creative Arts and Performing Arts KLA Leader