
Project Compassion Lenten Campaign

Sometimes we hear Indigenous people refer to Jesus as a ‘person of Country’. What might this mean? It is hard to imagine the Gospels without the connection of Jesus to the sea, the river, the desert wilderness, the earth and the fields. His teachings feature seeds and birds, sheep and corn. In the Gospel of the Third Sunday in Lent, we hear the parable of the fig tree. The impatient person wants to cut it down, whilst the wiser person is prepared to work with nature by putting manure on the tree and looking after it. This is a story of growth. God is creative. God is patient with us. God gives us another chance. So the season of Lent reminds us!


We have so much to learn from the depth and resilience of Australian Indigenous culture and spirituality, both of which are intimately linked to Country. This week, Project Compassion features the story of Janice, a Wagilak woman from the Northern Territory. Janice, who lives in a remote community, is part of the Djilpin Arts Aboriginal Corporation, supported by Caritas Australia. 


Janice is among those overcoming many obstacles to keep their culture strong. She does this through dance. She honours the generations who have come before her and taught their community how to respect and nurture the land and live in harmony with it. Our response to Project Compassion is providing practical support for the blossoming of Indigenous culture for all future generations. 


A huge thank you to our whole community for your commitment to making Project Compassion donations each Friday! The response to collections so far this year, has been outstanding.


We pray for the work of Caritas Australia through Project Compassion. 

We pray also for greater respect for the environment. 

May we care deeply for the Earth that God has entrusted to our care. 

May we realise that we are on Holy Ground. 



Easter Raffle Supporting Victims of Flooding

Easter Raffle tickets have been prepared by our Student Representative Council and have been distributed to families, through Homegroups. 


We urge you to consider making a valuable contribution to this worthy cause, by purchasing your book of raffle tickets ($1.00) each and returning these to the College Office by Monday 4 April. We continue to seek donations of Easter eggs, chocolates, baskets and gift bags from which to create our prize pool. Thank you to those who have already made generous donations, every gift is gratefully received.  


Harmony Week 21 - 27 March

Australia is a vibrant, multicultural, multi-faith nation; rich in diversity.  Harmony Week is all about working together to promote inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians. Regardless of cultural or linguistic background, we are united by a set of core Australian values.



The message of Harmony Week is everyone belongs! To showcase the way in which we belong to the wider Mater Dei Community our Homegroups this week have collaborated in an Aboriginal Country inspired Art project. To emphasise this message of inclusion and belonging our Homegroups also discussed how they could ‘Speak Harmony’ and understand the ‘The Mater Dei Way’ of demonstrating active inclusion of everyone. I thank Mr Jason Jolley and Ms Tahnee Rooke for developing this initiative to engage our community and build social awareness. 


Healthy Relationships - Playback Theatre

Next Tuesday 29 March, Year 9 students will attend 1-hour gender-based workshop with Playback Theatre from Melbourne. They will discuss how they're going with building the relationships they want, what they find challenging, how they deal with these challenges, and where to go for support. 


Playback Theatre will use conversation, performance, and music to bring these topics to life and create an engaging and impactful experience for students. For more information about Parent Workshops, please see the invitation included on the last page of the Newsletter. 


The Feast of the Annunciation

On Friday, we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of Mary. As the patron of our College, and our spiritual Mother, Mary’s example of faith and self-giving service calls us to be open, courageous and willing to allow God to work great wonders in us.


We take this opportunity to contemplate the message of the Annunciation. We focus not so much upon the Angel Gabriel’s question, but rather on Mary’s heartfelt response. Her “YES” to God to become the mother of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. 


God of Love, You poured out your boundless delight on Mary through the power of your Holy Spirit.

 Grace us with the willingness to follow her example of faith and self-giving service. 

We pray through the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name. 



Mrs Amelia Bright I Leader of Mission