Minds Matter

From your College Psychologist

Ellie Keane
Ellie Keane

Term 1, 2022 has been unusual and disruptive for all families in our community. On reflection, it is one of the most difficult starts to the school year in recent memory. As we enter the third year of living with COVID-19, it can be easy to be fatigued by frequent disruptions to our day-to-day life. Additionally, the recent rain event and resulting natural disaster has caused stress and upheaval for many families. While most young people will cope and move through these disruptions with limited distress, some young people may struggle. Coupled with end-of-term fatigue and stress related to assessment, resources for coping may also be lower than usual. In an environment that is unpredictable and constantly shifting, it’s increasingly important for adults to provide stable and consistent support for their children. While this can be difficult for parents who are navigating a similar environment and challenges, this consistent support can provide young people with some certainty about the world around them. 


This month’s SchoolTV topic covers Happiness & Gratitude (https://mta.qld.schooltv.me/newsletter/happiness-gratitude), with the UN International Day of Happiness also being celebrated this Sunday, 20th March 2022. While most people associate happiness as simply feelings of joy and positivity, researchers who have spent time investigating the roots of happiness have described it as the experience of positive wellbeing combined with one’s perception that their life is worthwhile and meaningful (Lyubomirsky, 2008). Action for Happiness (2022) suggest three ways to celebrate the International Day of Happiness:

  1. Doing something for your own happiness (e.g., an enjoyable activity or gratitude),
  2. Doing something for someone else (e.g., donating or volunteering),
  3. Sharing the International Day of Happiness with others (e.g., promoting happiness and mental health).

Gratitude is one suggestion to celebrate happiness and research suggests that gratitude can assist people to feel more positive emotions, savour positive experiences, improve general health, build resilience, and strengthen relationships (Harvard Health Publishing, 2021). Emmons (2013) also suggests that while experiencing crises can make us more grateful, gratitude can also assist us cope more effectively when a crisis occurs. Gratitude can be practiced individually or as a family, and simply involves taking time to actively reflect on the aspects of your life that you are grateful for. Eva (2017) cites initial research suggesting that young people who are grateful tend to be happier and more satisfied with their lives compared to peers who were less grateful. The Greater Good Science Center’s Youth Gratitude Project (2022) suggests key elements to teaching gratitude to young people. These include:

  • Exploring identity through methods such as discovering personal character strengths,
  • Capitalising on these strengths, 
  • Building positive relationships.

As your young people move through the coming weeks of assessment and towards the school holidays, the research suggests that now more than ever, the practice of gratitude can be worthwhile. 


Wishing you all the best for the end of term and a safe holiday period ahead.


Ellie Keane

School Psychologist




Action for Happiness (2022). International Day of Happiness. https://www.dayofhappiness.net/.

Emmons, R. (2013, May 13). How Gratitude Can Help You Through Hard Times. Big Ideas – Greater Good Magazine. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_gratitude_can_help_you_through_hard_times.

Eva, A.L. (2017, November 15). How to Teach Gratitude to Tweens and Teens. Education – Greater Good Magazine. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_to_teach_gratitude_to_tweens_and_teens.

Harvard Health Publishing (2022). Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier. https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/giving-thanks-can-make-you-happier.

Lyubormisky, S. (2008). The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want. Penguin Books.