From the LOTE Teachers
Kelas Bahasa Indonesia
Minggu ini kami menpelajari nomor-nomor 11-20 (kelas 1-2) dan sayur-sayuran (kelas 3-6).
~This week we have studied the numbers 11-20 in Years 1 & 2 and vegetables in Years 3 - 6
Sebelas | Eleven |
Dua belas | Twelve |
Tiga belas | Thirteen |
Empat belas | Fourteen |
Lima belas | Fifteen |
Enam belas | Sixteen |
Tujuh belas | Seventeen |
Delapan belas | Eighteen |
Sembilan belas | Nineteen |
Dua puluh | Twenty |
Jamur | Mushroom |
Cabai | Chilli |
Buncis | Beans |
Kentang | Potato |
Tomat | Tomato |
Jagung | Corn |
Brokoli | Broccoli |
Timun | Cucumber |
Wortel | Carrot |
Bawang Bombay | Onion |
Try it at home: Play a game of ‘Sudah’ (Bingo). Draw a 4X4 grid for each player and get players to fill the squares with numbers between 0-20. The bingo caller then calls numbers between 0-20 in Bahasa Indonesia slowly, allowing time for the players to cross off the number if they have them on their game board. The first person to cross off 3 number in a row calls ‘Sudah’ and is the winner.
Terima Kasih,
Bu Kate dan Bu Chelsea