
At Hampstead Primary we continue on our path of creating a setting in which to inspire all members of the school community and encourage the development of environmentally conscious global citizens though our sustainability program.


Classes are establishing their recycling routines with cardboard, green waste, soft plastic and 10c recycling. Last year money raised from our 10c recycling went to Koala Rescue. This year we are looking into donating to "Fauna Rescue" as we have had to call them out recently for a baby possum in our grounds. 


School Clean up day with be in Week 5 with several of our classes participating within the school grounds and walking to Greenacres reserve.


For the first time this year we have registered for National Ride 2 school day .  This is a nationwide program that enables students to get physically active on their way to school. It is a day when many students in the country wide ride, walk, scoot or skate to school.  We will be graphing our statistics and celebrating our day in various ways. More details to come next newsletter....


Room 13 and 14 Sustainability Lessons

This term we have been expanding and exploring the early years garden. We have planted bean seeds, learnt about mulch and how best to water,  and found some interesting critters on the way. During our birdwatching adventures we have had discussions on the large number of noisy miners (or as one observant child called them -  bully birds) and found a rainbow lorikeets coming out from a hollow in one of our big trees.