Room 14
Room 14 has had a wonderful start to 2022! We've been learning and practising new routines and expectations, learning about each other and where we come from, doing lots of art work, reading and book making, the list goes on! Read on to find out more 😋
Gardening with Sue
On Tuesdays Sue takes small groups of students out to our JP area to do some gardening. We have planted a range of new things such as flowers, native plants and beans in our new wicking bed. We have also been caring for some of the things we planted last year like our strawberries and potatoes.
The Dot
Last week we read the story 'The Dot' by Peter Reynolds. The story was about a little girl who thought she couldn't draw, but her teacher knew she could. She encouraged her to start her art work simply by making a mark on her page.. So that's exactly what she did. Before she knew it she was painting all sorts of marks and her work was shown in the school show for everyone to see. All she needed was someone to believe in her. We spent the afternoon making our art works of 'The Dot'. See below.
My Family and Me
This term we have been learning about ourselves, each other and our families which will support and foster a sense of identity and belonging in Room 14. We have been busy making Room 14 'Our Classroom', a safe place where we can learn and grow. During this topic we have read a range of books about school, families and friends, discussed how to treat each other by learning 'How to be a Bucket Filler', we have completed a range of art works which we have hung around the room and we have spent lots of time getting to know each other in a range of ways. Here are some examples of what we have been up to.
Marie Sapio
Hampstead Primary School