Principal's Report
What an unusual and challenging start to our 2022 school year we have had!
Firstly – a big Thank you to all those parents / carers who supported students to participate in on line learning for the first week and a half.
It was wonderful to be able to welcome all of our students back on Feb 14th.
Unfortunately we have had some positive COVID cases in the student population and hence some students and staff have been deemed close contacts.
All people involved have followed the recommended safety procedures.
As a school we have:
· Provided larger classroom spaces for all classes so students can safely distance from each other
· Ensured staff wear masks at all times when inside
· Ensured windows and doors are open when classes are inside
· Ensured air conditioners are on
· Provided out door learning opportunities for all classes at various time of the day
The Department for Education directive is that if a student exhibits any symptoms of COVID ( cold /flu like symptoms including, sore throat, runny nose, coughing, vomiting, fever, aches, pains etc) schools are required to contact parent /carer and send the student home.
Students are required to:
· Not attend school if they have symptoms
· Avoid attendance at OSHC for 7 days where possible
· Take RAT for 7 days
· If the RAT is negative and the student is free of symptoms they can return to school.
· If the RAT is negative but the student still has symptoms the student must have a PCR and isolate until a negative result.
We understand this is a challenging time for us all and not an ideal start to our school year.
As long as we all follow the DfE and SA Health safety procedures we will continue to minimise the impact on our staff and students.
Welcome to HPS:
Hayley Nisbit – Year 5/6 class teacher (room 18)
Karyn Downie – Year 1/2 class teacher (room 7)
Monica Turner – Learning Support SSO.
We welcome several new students and their families to our HPS community – we have new students in every year level across the school as well as 16 new Reception students and their families.
Two Way Communication is essential so that we (teachers and parents/ carers) can work together to ensure every student achieve to their full potential.
Please join up to your class Seesaw app and don’t hesitate to contact your childs teacher or one of the leadership team (Matt Cailes – Student Wellbeing Leader, Graham Wegner –Deputy Principal) if you have any queries or concerns.
Vito Mastrapasqua will continue to provide a science program for all students.
He will also provide a Health & PE program across the school.
Please ensure your child has appropriate shoes for outdoor activities so they can fully participate in all physical activities.
Our staff have revised our Sun Protection Policy so that students are required to wear hats every day, every term.
Please ensure your child has a school hat at school every day. Hats may be purchased from the front office for $11.00
We are very excited that our rebuild has finally begun!
The foundations are currently being laid and at this stage construction is on schedule.
We are looking at being able to move into the new admin area by the end of term 3.
Along with admin offices, the new space will include
· A larger Interoception room
· A therapy room to support students who need OT support)
· A new look staffroom with a flexible space that can be used as an indoor space for students if required.
Warm regards,