From the Secondary Principal Team

The Secondary Campus has had a busy few weeks with the completion of SACs, SATs and CATs. Students have been completing work to a high standard and have used contemporary digital technologies to support this work, enabled through the Secondary Laptop program. Students who have been absent have returned to school determined and prepared to catch up on important learning that was missed – a clear signal that our senior school students are rising to meet the high standards required of them as they complete their final years of study, and that junior and middle secondary students are developing their study skills and habits in order to prepare for the learning pathways available to them in their later school years.
Despite this fortnight being short due to the long weekend, it has been jam packed with opportunities for students to excel across multiple domains. Students have been involved in interschool sporting events, excursions and incursions. A highlight was the incredible feedback that we received as a College from the presenters of Love Bites – a consent education program. The presenters raved about the maturity, openness and willingness of our Year 10 students to engage in deep, meaningful and important conversations around consent.
Our Secondary Student Leadership team has been announced.
Student leaders for 2022 include:
College Captains:
Jakob and Angela
Cultural Ambassadors:
Chloe and Maddalyn
Year 7- Zoey and Isaac
Year 8- Zaf and Havey
Year 9- Bhumika and Aiden
Year 10- Nash and Zac
House Captains:
Rafter - Kaylee and James
Beachley - Anhad and Rebecca
Jackson - Olivia and Katie
Evans- Ajang and Alannah
Peer Support Leaders:
Charlotte, Kim Margaret, Veronica,
Esther, Eliza and Jessica
Dani (supporting the student leaders) has been blown away at her first leadership meeting with the new team. Students came prepared and ready to advocate on behalf of their peers. Key topics of discussion this week included: the potential for additional bell times between session 1 & 2 and 3 & 4; the re-development of the Heli-pad into additional down ball spaces; and, the positioning of the four picnic tables designed and built by the 2021 VCAL students. We look forward to seeing student-led ideas come to life throughout the year.
Friday is a busy day on campus. Students in Years 7 & 9 will be completing their first practise NAPLAN online test. Students from Years 7-10 will be meeting their House Captains in session 5 to develop banners and chants ahead of the upcoming Athletics carnival. Additionally conversations will take place throughout the day to celebrate and support the National Day of Action Against Bullying.
With thanks