Year 6/5

What's Happening is 5/6?

The 5/6s have had a great start to the year! We have already done some fabulous learning and had interesting discussions about having a Growth Mindset and being positive. We have also thought about what classroom environment we need to create so that we learn best. Each class gathered all the ideas and wrote a Learning Culture statement.



Writing:  We have been learning about compound words. Compound words are two words that join together to make a new word with a whole new meaning. We made compound word riddles by choosing a compound word for example, snowman, and splitting it into two words eg. snow and man, then finding words to describe both with clues and then putting it into a riddle. Here are a few of our best riddles:

What man is white but falls from the sky?       Answer: a snowman.

What water can you eat?                                         Answer: watermelon

What dog burns?                                                        Answer: a hotdog




One of the things we have read so far this term is the famous Australian poem called My Country, by Dorothea Mackellar.  We examined the language used and the images the words created. The author describes the warm, hot land turning into droughts and floods and the beautiful forests and the trees being cut down. After we read the book our table groups chose a page from the book to describe and draw.


In Reading we’ve also been looking at the comprehension skill of ‘making inferences’ or reading between the lines. We have been detectives using text and picture clues to solve mysteries. 



The 5/6s started a new and great year with our first Mathematics topic being graphs. We learned about bar, column, line graphs and pie charts. The difference between a bar and column graph is just the orientation, as a bar graph is displayed horizontally while  a column graph is shown vertically. Pie charts are used to show percentages and line graphs show the events of something over a flow of time. We had fun plotting our own graphs with the data we were given. In Maths currently we are looking at Financial Maths – so far we’ve worked out the pricing for having a party and planning a class excursion. Sticking to a budget can be quite tricky!!



In Geography we have been learning about the different continents and their wonders. We recently did research on the largest continent on Earth, Asia. We found geographical features such as the Himalayan Mountains and Mount Everest. We will also be researching North America and Europe. The world really is amazing.


Graffiti Art

On the first day of school, the teachers thought it would be fun to write our names in graffiti writing. We watched a couple of YouTube clips that explained how to write graffiti style. Some of us used shading to make it look 3D, while others did bubble writing and others used different styles. We came up with masterpieces that looked so good, they could've been shown at the Louvre Museum.


by Sally, Abi and Mrs Casey