eSafety @St Anthony's

Being Safe Online

The staff of St Anthony’s is aware of the need for our students to develop and understand eSafety skills. For Safer Internet Day our Years 3 - 6 teachers used online resources to lead their students in discussions and activities.


Year 5/6 considered several online situations about privacy and personal information, cyberbullying, respectful online behaviour and inappropriate or unwanted contact, and agreed that:

  • “personal information should not be given to anyone while playing online”
  • “you should not text or put anything on social media that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face”
  • “you should respect people online and never make fun of anyone”

Our STEAM Leaders, Bene, Luke, Louis and Oliver, advise that if anything goes wrong, you should

  • Tell a friend or trusted adult
  • Block the person causing the problem
  • Report the problem to a trusted adult

The Year 3/4 classes considered how to approach situations about respectful online behaviour, cyberbullying and peer pressure. They were encouraged to describe and think about situations then evaluate possible options and finally, make an appropriate choice of action.


Year 1/2 students watched an episode of Hector’s World and discussed the importance of not sharing personal information. They then used TuxPaint to draw a character from the video playing a computer or online game. You can see some of the students' drawings on this page.


As part of ICT specialist classes this term the students will consider and learn about various aspects of online safety.


Our Junior students will discuss rules for online safety and what is acceptable online behaviour.  They will participate in eSafety activities to explore and develop the safe and responsible use of technology and the Internet.


In particular, they will consider the importance of personal information.  They will be given the opportunity to understand that some information about themselves is special and that they should never share their personal details online without a parent or teacher’s permission.  Also they will consider online behaviours that have a positive or negative effect on others and will describe actions they can take online that will make themselves and their friends feel happy when online. The students will consider how they can - Be safe, Be kind, Ask for help and Make good choices


Our Senior students will explore the safe and responsible use of technology and the internet through Google’s Internet Awesome rules and advice in which the students consider the fundamentals of digital citizenship and eSafety.  They will explore how they can be internet SMART, ALERT, STRONG, KIND and BRAVE. In doing this they will consider what rules they should follow when using technology, how we can stay safe online, how we recognise and deal with cyberbullying and how we can work together online.


Information & Communication Technology 2020 Acceptable Use Agreement for Students

We still have 50 students/carers who have not yet signed our ICT Acceptable Use Agreement form on Caremonkey.


If you have not already done so, could you please read and discuss this with your child, then sign. The signature of both parent/carer and child is required.


If the form is not signed by Friday afternoon, 21 February, your child will not be able to use any devices or Internet at school from Monday next week until signatures are received.


Loretto Campbell

eLearning & STEM