From the Deputy

Ride2School Day - Friday 13th March

Dear Families,


We all know that being active on a regular basis contributes towards positive health and wellbeing outcomes. Unfortunately, over the past 40 years the number of children who are physically active everyday has significantly dropped. In the 1970s, eight out of ten students rode or walked to school but today that number has dropped to just two out of ten. We know that there are multiple factors which have contributed towards this change.  Some of these things are not so easily addressed but there is one simple solution which can help. Students who ride or walk to school contribute to their minimum physical activity level of 60 minutes per day. They are also more focused and ready to learn compared to those who are driven to school.

Ride2School is a nationwide program delivered by Bicycle Network, designed to support schools to encourage, empower and enable more students to get physically active on their journey to school.


On March the 13th we will be participating in Ride2School Day.  We are asking as many of our students as possible to ride, walk or scoot to school.  Even if you need to drive you could still park your car a little further away and walk the rest of the way.  Students from the SRC will be waiting to greet students at the school gates on Grange Road who walk, ride or scoot to school.  Please support our participation by making this day a priority. 


Best wishes,

Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal