School Captains ~ Update 

Jack and Sienna

Term 2 Review 

Hello - this is Jack and Sienna,


As this term draws towards an end we would like to thank everyone for such a FANTASTIC term!

This term some important events that we have participated in are…

5/6 camp to Canberra

Our national election with a bake stall and sausage sizzle

Cross Country

Naplan assessments

Chess lessons for the 3/4 students


Hot dog day lunches


Eucharist Reflection Day

Gala Day for the 5/6 students

School Disco

the Sacrament of Eucharist

…..and lots of great learning...

A big thanks to everyone who helped out to make this term a great success.


Last Sunday was a very important day  for all of those students who received their First Holy Communion. This is a very special time in their faith journey.


This week is Wellbeing Week at COHR with lots of activities for students, staff and the school community.  Thanks to everyone who has helped make it a fun and important week of our year.


We feel very fortunate to have many people helping our school in different ways - this helps all students to be the best we can be!


We hope you enjoy your winter holidays.

Stay safe and we will see you back in Term 3. We look forward to seeing you then!