Student of the Week

Senior Assembly

Year LevelStudent NameReason
3AMika BFor showing great focus during our narrative writing sessions and sharing her work with others.
3AConnie KFor being an enthusiastic learner and making sure her work is to a high standard.
3CRaquel MFor being a thinker in our narrative writing lessons.
4AMark RFor doing his best to work without distractions in Maths tasks.
4BLeo JFor his engagement and insightful contributions in our inquiry unit. Keep up the good work!
4BPaige BFor being a good friend to all and consistently adhering to our Essential Agreement.
5AEloise IFor consistently completing her work to a high standard.
5ASebastian SFor showing great determination to do his very best each day.
5B Marley FFor always setting the standard behaviourally and being a role model for his peers.
5BRomy KFor being determined to be self-driven with her work and challenging herself with difficult tasks.
5CSienna BFor having a growth mindset to all challenging tasks and putting so much care into her work.
5CAlon BFor showing wonderful responsibility and organisational skills this week by ensuring his diary is brought in daily.