The Adventures of Frankie & Ash

School Support Dogs 

Mum is very excited that our school photographs are here which means we will have our very own Compass profiles!!!   Ash looks a bit silly in hers, but I (Frankie) look very pretty in mine.  


This week there was a Special Day for all the Learning Support Officers who did their Dogs Connect training program.  This means that next term we will be able to start going into classrooms with the LSOs!  This means lots more pats and cuddles, but apparently no extra TREATS.   (We will see about that.)  


Today our cousin Rufus came to visit school and help in Pats and Chats.  Rufus is only 12 weeks old so he is learning how to DOG and how to BEHAVE in company.   He got so many pats and cuddles Mum said he would end up bald by the end of the day.   He didn't end up bald though.   Silly Ash is a bit scared of Rufus but Ash is scared of everything.


We are having a holiday at the end of next week too so we will see you all in Term 3.

That is all.


Frankie & Ash 


Cousin Rufus
Frankie - official school portrait
Ash - official school portrait
Cousin Rufus
Frankie - official school portrait
Ash - official school portrait