K - Yr 6 Learning
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check - Week 4
The teachers in Year 1 will conduct the Phonics Screening Check in Week 4. This is a short assessment (5 mins per student) that provides teachers with an overview of a student's progress in phonics. This information helps teachers make decisions during the teaching & learning cycle.
NAPLAN Year 3 & Year 5
On Wednesday, all students in Years 3 and 5 received their NAPLAN student report to take home.
Please see below an information sheet for parents and carers. This information sheet answers frequently asked questions such as:
- How does NAPLAN assess students?
- What are the new proficiency standards?
- How do I read the NAPLAN report?
- How does NAPLAN help my child?
The three minute video below explains how to read the NAPLAN Individual Student Report.
New K-2 Syllabus Parent Guides
Please find links to the new NESA parent/carer guides for Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 below. These guides explain the main focus areas for English and Maths and offer practical ways you can help your child/ren at home.
Contacting Your Child's Teacher
Teachers welcome contact from parents, if you need to talk with staff please either contact the class teacher by phoning the school – 6772 4441 or email the school on smaadmin@arm.catholic.edu.au