Our Faith - Religious Education
Mrs Jessica Scully
Our Faith - Religious Education
Mrs Jessica Scully
Tuesday 8th August Whole School Mass 12pm -St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Tuesday 15th August Whole School Mass 12pm Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday 16th August Parish Reconciliation Yr 3 at 5pm
Friday 1st September Class Mass for Yr 1 & Yr 5
Friday 1st September Year 4 Class Reconciliation 11:30am
Friday 8th September Reconciliation Yr 5 & 6 11:30am & 12pm
Friday 8th September First Holy Communion Rehearsal 3:30-5pm Cathedral
Sunday 10th September First Holy Communion Mass 10am
Friday 15th September Class Mass for Yr 2 , Yr 3 & Yr 4
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Lessons
Sun 30th July 2023 - Reconciliation Lesson 1 (9am)
Sun 6th August 2023 - Reconciliation Lesson 2 (9am)
Sun 13th August 2023 - Reconciliation Lesson 3 (9am)
Wed 16th August 2023 - First Reconciliation rehearsal (4pm) and celebration (5pm)
Sun 20th August 2023 - First Holy Communion Lesson 1 (9am)
Sun 27th August 2023 - First Holy Communion Lesson 2 (9am)
Sun 3rd September 2023 - First Holy Communion Lesson 3 (9am)
Sun 8th September 2023 - First Holy Communion Rehearsal with Reconciliation available (3:30-5:00 pm)
Sun 10th September 2023 - First Holy Communion celebrated (10am)
If your child is unable to attend one of these sessions, please contact Tina (6772 2218) at the Parish Office closer to the date.
Proposed Family/ Youth Masses for 2023
Term 3- Sunday 10th September - 10am Celebration of FHC
Term 4- Sunday 26th November - 5:30pm
Please remember in your prayers Mrs Jodi Troon's mother, Maureen who sadly passed away on Wednesday 26th July. May she rest in peace.
Our Mini Vinnies students will be taking part in a workshop focusing on Vinnies good works and the social justice topics (such as homelessness, poverty, cost of living) that affect your local area. Our workshop will be on Friday 4th August 1:30pm to 3pm in our School Hall.
Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times:
Saturday 9 am & 6 pm
Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm
The Parish is currently organising a Parish Trivia Afternoon to raise funds for the new Parish Piety Stall. The trivia afternoon will be held on 6 August at 2pm in the Torreggiani room. Price is $10 for a single entry; for a table of 8 the price is $70.
We will also be raffling items on the night. Prizes on the day include a $250 rebel sport gift voucher, tickets to the NRL and more.
For tickets or more information please contact George Nulley-Valdés on M 0476 892 836
On Tuesday 8th August we will remember and celebrating the life of Australia's very own saint, St Mary of the Cross. Born in Melbourne in 1842, Mary grew up in Penola, a small town in South Australia. In 1866, Mary began a religious order named the Sisters of St Joseph. She and her sisters opened schools in isolated places and served the poor in many ways. Their unselfish work won the respect of many people.
World Youth Day is an international gathering of young people, ages 16 to 35. It takes place every two to three years in different cities all over the globe. It has a strong Catholic identity and includes a celebration of Mass with the Pope. This year the pilgrimage is to Lisbon, Portugal.
A group of pilgrims from the Armidale Diocese left on Saturday to attend WYD. Please keep them in your prayers.
Fr Roel is part of the Armidale Diocesan WYD Pilgrims who left on Saturday for Lisbon, Portugal. While he is away Fr Max Davis & Fr Ross O'Brien will be looking after the Parish.
This week we also say farewell to Fr Peter Paul who is heading to Germany to study for the next 12 months.
Eternal God, You loved the world so much that You gave us your only Son,
to accompany us in every moment of our lives.
From diverse backgrounds across our vast land, we journey as one, your pilgrim church. We leave what is known and what is precious to us to embark on life’s pilgrimage,
uncertain of who our companions will be or what joys, hopes and challenges await us.
In our brokenness, we desire wholeness.
We trust Jesus, your Word, to lead us on this journey.
Unafraid of what we do not know, we are full of excitement and ready to embrace all. May your Holy Spirit open us to transformation.
We want to give ourselves to the Holy Spirit as Mary did.
With her, we say:” I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word”.
Assist us that we may welcome all that is needed to renew our lives.
May we become Jesus’ true disciples, forgetting ourselves and loving His kingdom, His truth, and all he came to save by His Holy Cross.
Mary, Our Lady Help of Christians, Patron of Australia, pray for us.Amen.
A Diocesan Prayer has been written and published.