From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 


Week 2 Newsletter


I hope everyone had the opportunity for some rest and relaxation over the two weeks of school holidays.


This term we are excited about a number of events and activities:


Diocesan Athletics Carnivals  

Book Week & Grandparents Day

First reconciliation & First Holy Communion

Year 4 Lake Keepit Camp

Year 6 Canberra Excursion 


We welcome our new students to St Mary's this term.

William Knight Yr 3, Augusto Pallotta Yr  3, Aurelio Pallotta Yr 5, Aalayah Pallotta Yr 6.

We hope they enjoy being part of our school community.

Whole School Assembly

Today, Friday 28th July at 2:40pm we held our first School Assembly for Term 3. Thank you to Year 2 for presenting at the assembly today. 

100 Days in Kindergarten! Friday 28th July

Today is officially Kindergarten's 100th day of learning at school. Kindergarten celebrated this great occasion by dressing up and hosting a party.  Congratulations to all of Kindergarten on your 100 days at school. I am looking forward to seeing the amount of growth all of you will make with your learning over the next 100 days!

LET'S HANG IT! - Awards 6pm tonight Friday 28th July

Best wishes to Pippi Hoy for the announcement of the prize winners at 6pm at the New England Regional Art Museum.


The opening of the 2023 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize (UNESAP) Let’s Hang It! exhibition will be held at 6pm on Friday 28 July 2023 at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) the exhibition will be on display until Sunday 13 August 2023.

2023 NAPLAN Reports Sent Home Wednesday for Year 3 & 5

Parents of students in Years 3 and 5 received their child's 2023 NAPLAN Assessment results on Wednesday.


This year proficiency standards have replaced the previous reporting using numerical bands and national minimum standards. The proficiency standards provide clearer information about a student's achievement and are descriptive, making them easier to understand. 


Students’ results are measured against 4 levels of proficiency:

• Exceeding: The student’s result exceeded expectations at the time of testing.

• Strong: The student’s result met challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.

• Developing: The student’s result indicated that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing.

• Needs additional support: The student’s result indicated that they did not achieve the learning outcomes expected at the time of testing. They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.


Our school’s results look very pleasing. We look forward to sharing more detailed analysis of our NAPLAN data in coming weeks.


It is important to remember that NAPLAN results are only one of many ways that teachers gain information about students' strengths and what the next steps are in each child's learning journey.


If any parent has any queries or questions in regard to their child's NAPLAN report, please contact the school for a meeting with your child's teacher.   Phone 67724441 or


This week the school celebrated NAIDOC Week. The children participated in a number of activities that celebrated the history, culture, and achievements of our First Nation people. Monday commenced with a whole school assembly led by our senior Aboriginal Students.

Throughout the week each class visited the Aboriginal Keeping Place where the students participated in a variety of activities.  Thank you to our Aboriginal Educational Assistants (Mrs Stahlhut and Miss Widders) and Mrs Cain for organising the events for the children. 


Kindergarten - Traditional Objects & Ochre Painting 

Year 1- Traditional Objects & Ochre Painting 

Year 2 - Traditional Symbolism, Storytelling & Boomerang Painting

Year 3 - Traditional Symbolism, Storytelling & Boomerang Painting

Year 4 - Symbolism Talk, Canvas Painting

Year 5 - Symbolism Talk, Canvas Painting

Year 6 - Didgeridoo demo, talks & teaching dance

Armidale Diocese Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Conference Committee Visit

On Thursday 3rd August the Conference Committee members will visit St Mary's, before their meeting and a visit on country. 

Congratulations Ms Emma Widders 

Emma has been invited to be part of an Indigenous Language Team from the Armidale Diocese to participate in the Puliima Indigenous Language and Technology Conference on Larrika Country - Darwin, Monday 21st  - Friday 25th August 2023.

National Aboriginal Children Day 

This year theme : “Little Voices , Loud Futures” will be the focus to celebrate on Friday 4th August 2023. Utilise the link to embrace this important day.

Change of P & F Meeting Date 2nd August

P & F Meeting is now 2nd August at 5:30pm - Staff Room 


A date has been set for our Term 3, Staff RE PD Day.  It is Monday 28th August.  This will be a Pupil Free Day. The staff will all be off site, the school will be closed for the day. 

Please put this date in your calendar and make arrangements for your child/children. 

SAVE THE DATE FRIDAY 25TH AUGUST Book Week Parade & Grandparents Day

Friday 25th August. 

9am - Mass  in the Cathedral     

10am - Classroom visits    

10:45am - Morning Tea

11:15am - Book Parade    

12:00pm - Percussion, String, Band Perform 

12:30pm - Choirs Perform

P & F Term 3 Dates

Term 3 save the dates for:

Wednesday 2nd August P & F Meeting 5:30pm Staffroom

Sunday 6th August Lamington & Pie Drive orders close 

Friday 11th August Lamington and Pie Drive Collection Day

Saturday 12th August - Trivia Evening 

Fete 2023 Date to be Set

2023 School Improvement Survey - August

Very soon, the annual satisfaction My School Survey of parents, students and staff will be conducted on behalf of all Catholic schools in the Diocese. The surveys are designed to gather feedback from parents, staff and students about our school and will be used to inform school improvement. The surveys will be launched via email in August using the email addresses supplied to the school. We will send out a notification when the survey are sent & open.

Parent Messages for Students during the Day

Please make sure where possible you phone the school by 2pm with any messages for students to be given before home time.  This would be greatly appreciated so we have minimal interruptions in class time.