Year 10 Exams

Hello Families of year 10 Staughton Students,

Formal assessment forms part of the learning program at the senior end of our College. Our year 10s will complete end of semester exams for semester-based subjects in semester 1 and semester 2, and whole year exams for Maths and English at the end of the year. Students will need to speak with their teachers, revise and plan to do well on these exams over the coming weeks and then sit the exams during class time in week 8. Students will conference with their teachers about their exam performance before the end of the semester. 

Students will do best on exams when; they have high attendance, are prepared for each class, complete the learning and deliberate practice, have regular conferences with their teachers about their progress, have a growth mindset, seek help, use high impact learning strategies and revise and practice in preparation for the exams.

Please see the timetable for the exams below.