HarmonyYouth Summit

One the 2nd of June, we took 9 of our students to attend the Harmony Youth Summit at Hume Town Hall, hosted by the Centre for Multicultural Youth.


I thought that it was special to have something like the Fonofale in our culture, and it makes me proud to be Polynesian.  I think it’s important to have Pasifika Youth Forums to learn more about where we are from, our culture, and also get to know ourselves better.

Kofe, year 7

I like the “Mental Health” workshop because I learnt about how to be comfortable about talking to others.  I think it’s important to have Pasifika Youth Forums so students are able to speak out and learn more about relationships and friendships.

Indy, year 7

I really liked the “Community Relationships” workshop because I related to that one more because of how we spoke about our comfort, learning, and danger zones. When they were asking questions, specially about Islander parents. It was good to see kids the same way as me, that other kids feel the way I do, and to talk to people our age… they knew how to explain it better to us.  It’s important to have Pasifika youth forums because it’s easier for us to open up because we go through the same thing.

Yuriko, year 12

I liked the “Mental Health” workshop because it taught me about the Fonofale Theory and how important your close friends and family are and how everything is connected somehow.  These Pasifika youth forums are important because it helps young islanders to have the opportunity to spread their voice and opinions with others from a similar background.

Devante, year 12

In the “Community and Relationships” workshop, I learnt how there are different learning zones and how it exposed us to view and understand varying perspectives that correlates to the scenarios and situations that were asked.  Having Pasifika Youth Forums allows young Islander generations to be able to have a space in which will equip them with an opportunity to voice their opinions within the community as well as provide them with an environment that encourages and needs for brown excellence. Building relationships with different cultures at the same time.

Ia, year 12

I reckon the workshop “My Skin, My Culture” was a big highlight in my time at the Youth Summit. It taught me to be open and proud with my ethnicity and to not shy away from big opportunities when presented.  Having Pasifika Youth Forums is a big opportunity for the younger generation to voice their opinions.

Elbjorn, year 12




Community Engagement Leader