Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 9 of Term 2 were awarded at assembly on 23 June:

FNReuben FFor always been such a kind friend who includes others. You're a champion Reuben!
FHThomas M              For working hard to improve your handwriting and having a go, even when it's a challenge! Well done! 
FBLarni EFor being enthusiastic about everything. You're a superstar!
FWFinn LFor working super hard and doing his very best during writing activities. You're a star!
1PEvie BFor always working hard and doing her best, developing her sentences when writing. Well done Evie!
1JAudrey HFor working really hard on your reading and trying your best to read every book with a smooth voice!
1SFinn KFor always going to great effort to improve his writing and ensuring each piece is unique and full of challenging words!
1WZoe JFor her imaginative procedural writing on "How to sneak a Monster into School," which included notes of advice for the reader. Well done Zoe!
1WEvie GFor using descriptive words in her recount writing. Well done Evie!
2GAbigail RFor taking extra care with the starting points and direction of letters during handwriting. Well done Abbie!
2MIsla CFor a super effort with her writing and partner work throughout our poetry unit.
2MAarvi PFor great focus with her writing and cooperative partner work throughout our poetry unit.
2N Hamish KFor making wonderful growth in his speed reading of nonsense and sight words. Well done Hamish.
2THenry DFor being a kind, considerate and respectful member of 2T who always tries his best across all learning areas. 
3BLyndon FFor his amazing effort and facts in his Indigenous research report! Well done Lyndon!
3BWilliam RFor showing resilience and trying his best in all tasks this week ! Way to go William!
3HGrace RFor writing a fantastic information report on First Nation Australians. Very detailed and descriptive Grace. Well done!
3JHolly CFor taking a great deal of responsibility for her own learning by ensuring Mrs Johnson has organised her homework tasks. 
3RKyper TFor a great job completing Limericks this week!
4BMadison DFor taking risks during writing by using tricky and interesting words.
4BJack McWFor his incredibly detailed letter portraying life as a convict in the 1800s.
4DMax WFor working diligently on all school tasks and being a great friend to all.
4PLevi IFor doing a great job at presenting his part for the Star Time movie incursion.
4SPenny VFor showing determination to complete her summary and learning heaps about angles.
4SLibby PFor taking over the role of another team member and working hard to complete the literacy task.
5GKade CFor his excellent work in finding the main idea and supporting detail in texts this week. Well Done!
5HLily McKFor always being considerate of the ideas and opinions of her peers. Well done! 
5OSophia MFor continuously displaying a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards all classroom tasks.
5RSierra HFor seamlessly picking up short division in Maths after missing the first week of lessons!
5SUna PFor the positivity and resilience she displayed when her USB was corrupted and she lost all her Inquiry Project. Well done Una for quickly just getting back into it!
6BIryna ZFor being a fantastic PPS student and person. Best wishes for the future!
6CDixie TFor asking thoughtful questions about her buddy’s Peg Person. Well done Dixie!
6MZara J For her attention to detail and as a result impeccable workbook presentation. Well done Zara! 
6RLexi H-MFor consistently working to the best of her abilities and being an empathetic student.
6RCamille AFor continually working to the best of your ability and seeking feedback to improve your work!