Leader of Pedagogy

Ms Lauren Donnelly

As we progress through Term 2, there is a focus placed on assessing the learning of students in the school before Semester 1 results are released. As students demonstrate their deep learning of core ideas and skills in key learning areas, they demonstrate "the process through which a person becomes capable of taking what was learned in one situation and applying it to a new situation.” This is the goal of all learning experiences in the classroom, by being able to apply their knowledge, skills and strategies in a new context ensures that the learning becomes ingrained. These are 21st century competencies that can be defined as cognitive, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills:

  • Cognitive skills include areas such as critical thinking and analytic reasoning
  • Interpersonal skills include areas such as teamwork and complex communication
  • Intrapersonal skills include areas such as resiliency and conscientiousness

The learning at O’Connor Catholic College focuses on developing a growth mindset for students. 


A growth mindset is the belief that you can cultivate and improve upon your abilities through practice and effort. This differs significantly from a Fixed Mindset. By encouraging students to take risks in their learning and the way in which they learn, this provides opportunities to continue developing a growth mindset that risk can sometimes equal reward or failure, but both are equally valuable in the experience of learning.



Ms Lauren Donnelly

Acting Leader of Pedagogy