Acting Assistant Principal 

7-12 Report

By Louise Mellington and Mitch Coombs

The end of term has come upon us very quickly and it is hard to believe that we are already at the end of Semester One. We have packed much into the semester with camps across the college, as well as a number of sporting events, excursions and incursions.


GAT and mid year exams

Our Year 10 and 11 students have sat their mid-year exams during this week. We have seen the Hall transformed into an exam centre as well as some areas in the senior building. The mid year exams give our senior students the opportunity to experience exams in a formal testing situation so that by the time they get to Year 12 they are familiar with exam conditions.

The GAT is a 5 hour exam split up into Sections A and B which gives students a literacy and numeracy test. With changes to how the GAT is sat, we have seen 110 students, who are all completing a Unit 3 and 4 subject sit the GAT.



Reports will be made available to all families on Wednesday 21 June. These can be downloaded from Compass. Please contact the General Office if you require a login to Compass in order to access reports.



COVID is still with us and we ask that students who have COVID remain home while experiencing flu-like symptoms. We have plenty of tests at school so if you require any please contact the main office.



We encourage students to 'layer up' utilising the jumpers and jackets.

If anyone needs assistance with the uniform, please contact us so we can help.

In other good news, we have been able to work with a local supplier to source an alternate college beanie which is available for $10 and can be purchased from the school office. It will be available to buy from the start of next term.  These can be worn around the college, but a reminder that we always take our hats and beanies off in class.


Industry Immersion Days

Over the past term our senior students were fortunate enough to be involved in Industry Immersion Days which were organised by the Campaspe Cohuna LLEN and funded by the Shepparton Industry Training Hub.  Students were able to visit businesses in in the Engineering, Hospitality and Building and Construction areas, speak to employees in the industry and ask questions to further their own pursuits within those industries.

Starting with Engineering on Tuesday 9 May, students visited Kyabram businesses Cantech and Ky General Engineering and Shepparton business Furphy Engineering.

This tour was followed by the Hospitality on the Friday 12 May which saw them visit the Moama RSL, the American Hotel, and Rich River golf club.

The final tour, Building and Construction, took place the next day and students were shown around Sessions Builders, GoTafe Shepparton, and Kyabram’s own MBM Designs.

Thanks to everyone involved, especially the CCLLEN and Kristen and Lisa at the Shepparton Industry Training Hub for allowing our students the opportunity to participate in this amazing opportunity.

Waranga 3/4 Sports Day

Last week we hosted Tongala Primary school, St Patricks Tongala, St Joseph’s Primary Rochester and Stanhope Primary school for the Year 3/4 Waranga Sports. We saw a great day of participation by all students with a variety of sports that gave all students the opportunity to become involved.

Final day and assembly

The final day for the term will be Friday 23 June.  The day will be structured as follows:

Period 19:00 - 9:40
Period 29:40 - 10:20
Period 310:20 - 11:00
Recess11:00 - 11:30 
Period 411:30 - 12:10
Assembly12:10 - 12:50 
Lunch12:50 - 1:40
Period 51:40 - 2:20

Assembly will take place from 12:10-12:50 where we welcome parents and carers to join us for the celebration of student achievements.  If you do wish to attend please be at the yellow doors to the assembly hall which face onto Fischer Street by 12:10 at which point you will be directed into the hall.

We understand that due to the timing of the assembly some families may wish to take their students directly home from the assembly.  If this is the case please notify the office before-hand and sign your student out from the office before you leave.


Updated mobile phone policy 

The College Mobile Phone Policy has been reviewed and approved by College Council. Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored in their locker (secured with a school-provided combination lock) during the school day, 8:30 am – 3:20 pm. When emergencies occur, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office. 

Students who use their personal mobile phones inappropriately at Kyabram P-12 College will be issued with consequences consistent with our school’s existing student engagement policies.  At Kyabram P-12 College, inappropriate use of mobile phones is any use during school hours, unless an exception has been granted, and particularly use of a mobile phone:

  • in any way that disrupts the learning of others 
  • to send inappropriate, harassing or threatening messages or phone calls
  • to engage in inappropriate social media use including cyber bullying
  • to capture video or images of people, including students, teachers and members of the school community without their permission
  • to capture video or images in the school toilets, changing rooms, swimming pools, gyms
  • during exams and assessments

Mobile telephones may be confiscated by staff if seen in use by students during class, recess, lunch or study times or at sanctioned school events.  If first offence, the mobile phone will be confiscated and held at the General Office until the end of the day, at which time, the student may collect it and will be reminded of the school expectations by a principal.  For second and subsequent offences, the mobile phone will be confiscated and held at the General Office until a parent/ carer can collect it. 


For further information please see the PDF below.