Level 3/4

Level 3 & 4 News


Welcome back to Term 2! We hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing holiday break. It has been a fun filled, exciting week as we settle in for a brand new term. We have sensational learning and great activities planned for both Level 3 & 4 coming up, and we can't wait to share it with you all. 

Here are some important dates to keep in mind over the coming weeks: 

7th May - Mother's Day Stall 

11th May - NAPLAN Writing and Language Conventions

12th May - NAPLAN Reading 

13th May - NAPLAN Numeracy 

19th May - Cyber Safety Project Incursion 


31st May - RRRR and eSmart Celebration Day 

8th June - STAR Lab Incursion 

14th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

22nd & 25th June - Student Led Interviews 


Please keep an eye out for more dates throughout the term. 


Please remember hats are still required at school until the end of April. For Level 3 families, please return your Flora and Fauna slip if you are able to help out during cooking weeks. We're so excited to have families back helping this term! 

Flashlight Friday
Flashlight Friday


The Level 3 & 4 Team