Level 3/4
Level 3 & 4 News
Welcome back to Term 2! We hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing holiday break. It has been a fun filled, exciting week as we settle in for a brand new term. We have sensational learning and great activities planned for both Level 3 & 4 coming up, and we can't wait to share it with you all.
Here are some important dates to keep in mind over the coming weeks:
7th May - Mother's Day Stall
11th May - NAPLAN Writing and Language Conventions
12th May - NAPLAN Reading
13th May - NAPLAN Numeracy
19th May - Cyber Safety Project Incursion
31st May - RRRR and eSmart Celebration Day
8th June - STAR Lab Incursion
14th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
22nd & 25th June - Student Led Interviews
Please keep an eye out for more dates throughout the term.
Please remember hats are still required at school until the end of April. For Level 3 families, please return your Flora and Fauna slip if you are able to help out during cooking weeks. We're so excited to have families back helping this term!
The Level 3 & 4 Team