Principal's message
Principal’s Message
Staff Professional Development Day
I am writing this newsletter report on the final day of Term 1, which has been a “pupil free day” so that CSC staff can undertake professional development. Today’s “pupil free day” allowed all of our teachers and support staff to undertake the DET’s Cultural Understanding and Safety Training. This training challenged us all to consider how we can continue to be a culturally inclusive school with teachers who regularly incorporate Aboriginal perspectives in the curriculum. I thank the staff for their involvement in this important training.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
As I explained in the email messages sent on Monday 29 March, we have had to bring forward our upcoming parent-teacher meetings to Wednesday 21 April (not Tuesday 27 April as originally planned). Please refer to the email sent to all families on March 29 for details about making bookings for these interviews. There will be no classes for students on this day, and students are only required to attend school with their parent or guardian for their interviews.
Resumption of co-curricular activities
With the gradual easing of Covid-19 restrictions over the past few months, we have been able to resume many of the co-curricular activities and special events that were not possible for most of last year. This has included camps, inter-school sport, the Year 7 family evening, guest speakers and excursions. CSC offers students a rich variety of co-curricular activities which complement the learning that occurs in classrooms. For an overview of many of the activities that have resumed this term, I commend you to our CSC Instagram account.
Paul Frye
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