Classroom News - Kindergarten

Mrs McMillan and Miss Simpson

Home Readers

This week we are sending home a NEW home reading diary! This diary has a zebra on the front and includes the tricky words we are learning at the back of the book. We have found that the children reading their tricky words at home have improved greatly on their fluency when reading their books. 


In order to get a new reader, the previous reader must be returned. We ask that the reader is returned in their folder (that was sent home in Term 1) or slipped inside their diary. This helps us to know who has returned what book. 


The home reader is usually two levels below what they are reading in class. This is so that your child develops a love of reading while working on their fluency. Fluency means that we are reading like we talk, and reading an easier book, and more than once, helps build your child’s fluency.

How to return your home reader if you can’t find your folder. Ft. The new Term 3 diary.
How to return your home reader if you can’t find your folder. Ft. The new Term 3 diary.


This fortnight has been very exciting for our sound knowledge. Not only did we meet Jan Jellyfish and Wally Worm, we were also introduced to our first digraph, CK! Digraphs are two letters that make one sound. We have been remembering our new digraph by a reciting a catchy chant. That reminds us that CK is found at the end of a word.



We have been learning about addition and subtraction over the last few weeks. We have been concentrating on adding two numbers together, with some students extending themselves with three numbers! One of our favourite activities was shaking counters in numbered egg cartons to decide what numbers we will add.


This week we have also introduced friends of ten. Friends of ten are two numbers that make ten, like 7 and 3. Kindergarten are aiming to know these number facts off by heart to not only assist with their addition to ten, but their subtraction and their number sense beyond ten. Below is an image of the rainbow friends of ten poster we use in class, for any families that wish to have a copy to work on at home.


We have been celebrating Family Week in Religion. We have been thinking about what makes up our families and how we show love to them. It has been lots of fun acting out our favourite thing to do with our families and creating our own class photo album by drawing each of our families.

Acting out our favourite thing to do with our families.
Acting out our favourite thing to do with our families.


Thank you to all the families that sent in some recycled materials last week to transform into a toy that can move. We were very impressed when each child described the force they would use to move their toy, and we had a lot of fun trying it out. Next in Science we will learning about following steps.

Look at our toys!
Look at our toys!


Gymnastics has been a highlight to our week. Wally and the team have been blown away with how far Kindergarten have come in terms of flexibility, balance and CONFIDENCE! We have loved seeing everyone taking risks, and we get so excited when that risk taking trickles down to all of their learning areas. This week (Week 4) is our last week of gymnastics, which will mean that we return to our yellow sports uniform on Thursdays and our house colours uniforms on Fridays.



100 Days Smarter!

ONE HUNDRED DAYS OF KINDERGARTEN!!! Can you believe the progress every single one of us have made? It is incredible! We can read, write, count, make friends and a hundred other things too! Last Thursday we celebrated 100 days, starting with walking into school seeing photos of us looking like we were 100 years old. The surprises didn’t stop there, when we realised that our teachers had aged dramatically over night! For our party we had the best time making crowns, lego castles, 


Writing 100 words.
Writing 100 words.
100 dance moves!
100 dance moves!
Building a lego castle with 100 pieces
Building a lego castle with 100 pieces
Building a tower with 100 cups.
Building a tower with 100 cups.
This is what we will be doing when we are 100.
This is what we will be doing when we are 100.
Making our crowns.
Making our crowns.
We all look a little different at 100 years old!
We all look a little different at 100 years old!