Classroom News - Year 4

Mrs Ross and Mr Norrie


Week 4 already! Thank you so much to all the parents that were able to meet with us for Parent-Teacher interviews. We appreciate your time and value the opportunity to work together to provide positive experiences in the classroom and the playground for your child. 


In Religious Education this week we are focusing on The Rosary. The children are learning about one of the mysteries and will lead us in prayer. 


We are continuing to focus on Folktales in Reading and Writing. The children have enjoyed listening to a variety of Folktales that have been shared for many generations and are beginning their own using the identified structures and features.


The children are also involved in writing their own speeches to be performed as part of our class's involvement in The St Joseph's Cup. The experience offers the children the opportunity to share their ideas about their favourite topic and to present them orally to their peers. For some children, this is very exciting. For others, it is a challenge. We are supporting all children and are proud of their progress, so far.


The children have been very busy designing and creating their Science games over the past weeks. They are working with great enthusiasm cutting, gluing, painting and taping cardboard in various structures to construct their games. Their conversations are engaging and on task, and their cooperation is inspiring. We have really enjoyed seeing the children learn so much, in so many ways. We can't wait for the games to be played.


Our Gymnastics sessions have been very popular. The program is very well presented and caters extremely well to all levels of skill. All the children appear to be engaged and learning lots of new skills.