College Head of Learning

NAPLAN Tests 2021 

Parents of students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 will by now have received information via email with details about the upcoming NAPLAN tests, but for anyone who would like to know more, here are some frequently asked questions.


Q. When are NAPLAN tests happening?                

A. Term 2, Weeks 4 & 5 (May 11-21)


Q. What tests do the children sit?                            

A. 4 tests: Language Conventions, Writing, Reading, Numeracy. Tests range from 40 minutes to 65 minutes, depending on the test type and year level. All tests will be completed online on an iPad using the NAP Locked-down browser, except for the Year 3 Writing test which will be done with paper and pencil.


Q. What can I do to help my child to do their best in the tests?

A. Your assistance would be appreciated in ensuring that your child has charged their iPad at home and has a pair of working headphones during the testing period. Please also reassure your child that: 

  • they should simply try their best on the test days, just as they should in all of their classes;
  • the NAPLAN tests are not something to worry about;
  • their worth as a person is not dependent on their score;
  • NAPLAN scores do not contribute to their school results;
  • NAPLAN test results are used to help teachers know what they need to teach in class.

ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority) does NOT recommend that children use products such as practice test booklets or coaching services to prepare for the tests. None of the products available commercially are endorsed by ACARA.


Q. When do we get the results?

A. Usually late in Term 3. They are released by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority and mailed to you by the school.


Q. What does the school do to prepare the children for the tests?

A. Each student has completed a practice test session in class, answering sample questions from each test type. Students have been shown how to record their answers on the online test platform. We do NOT run full ‘rehearsal’ tests as schools are strongly advised not to do so.


Q. Can I see the tests?

A. No, the actual tests are strictly secured and will not be released to the public. However, there are examples of test question types published at


Q. Does my child have to sit the tests?

A. All children in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 across Australia participate in the NAPLAN program, unless their parents or carers withdraw their child from the tests to address issues such as religious beliefs and philosophical objections to testing. If you would like to withdraw your child from testing, written notification must be received by the school prior to testing. The College will then provide a form authorising the withdrawal of the student from NAPLAN tests this year, which must be signed and returned to Miss Felicity Donohue, NAPLAN Co-ordinator, by Monday 10 May.

Ms Kerri Batch

College Head of Learning