
                                                                  Mrs Francis Scuderi

Year 8 Excursion to Melbourne Zoo

Last Friday the Year 8 students attended a wonderful day at the Royal Melbourne Zoo. Students were given language tasks to complete as they walked around the zoo. A very big thank you to the Language faculty for a great day.

Dunhelen Athletics Carnival

The Dunhelen Athletics carnival was held on Wednesday. It was a great day with students participating and cheering on their houses. The results will be revealed shortly. Thank you to the PE department for organising the day. 

Year 7 Social

The Year 7 students enjoyed the annual social that was held at the College on Thursday. Students were able to spend some time with their friends, chatting and dancing. A very big thank you to the parents who assisted with donations on the night. Thank you also to Mr Eleftheriou for organising the event and Mr Lawless and Year 11 student, Joshua G, for all the music. All money raised is being donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital.

Homework Clubs

The Broadmeadows Library and the Craigieburn Global Learning Centre are running Homework Clubs for students. If you are interested, please see the brochure provided for information.