

Year 8 students have begun their Japanese studies fabulously! We are amazed at how much they are able to say after such a short period of time. This year, we have been trialing a new format, beginning each lesson with a dialogue which is added to each fortnight.  Students speak along with the teacher, using gestures to help trigger words. As a result, they are able to greet each other, talk about being hot or cold, ask about likes/dislikes, ask if someone has a particular item and introduce others. Students will finish off the term by presenting a short speech completely in Japanese in front of their peers.



Year 10 students are about to undertake a one on one mock interview in Japanese, which is the culmination of their unit on Japanese schools. This term, students had the opportunity to Zoom with a Japanese high school, using language, gestures and laughter to communicate with their peers in Nishiawakura. 

A focus on writing using traditional squared paper has also given the students a taste of what Japanese essay writing is like.



Ms Genelle Keough | CAPA KLA Leader