Principal's Address


I wish all our College families a Happy and Holy Easter. Easter is a time of new beginning and new life, a time of hope and of possibilities. Can we prolong the Easter season? Not necessarily the Easter eggs and chocolates – though some may wish for that – but rather the message and joy of the resurrection. The liturgical season of Easter lasts for 50 days so I take this chance to highlight one important aspect - peace. 


From the risen Lord we ask the grace not to succumb to the pride which fuels violence and war, but to be people of mercy and peace. We ask Jesus, the Victor over death, to lighten the sufferings of our many brothers and sisters who are persecuted for his name, and of all those who suffer injustice as a result of ongoing conflicts and violence.


For all people, we pray:

Life anew

Father, we praise you for Christ our living Lord.

His death has destroyed death for us.

His rising has given us the promise of everlasting life

which begins here on earth.

This Easter season may we reach out to be agents 

of peace and mercy in our world.

Praise you Father, for your goodness to us

in Christ. Amen.



During the last fortnight we held both our Cross Country and College Athletics Carnival under the expert organisation Mr Nathan Irvine. It was necessary to initially postpone the Cross Country, which is routed around Lake Albert, due to inclement weather and fortunately it was able to be held later in the week. Yesterday’s Athletics Carnival was again an enjoyable and successful College event. I congratulate students who excelled and those who assisted their House by entering into the many events. I also thank parents/carers who assisted on the day and were present to support our students and cheer them on.



Enrolment Offers for a place at Mater Dei in Year 7 in 2022 are being emailed this week. Any current Mater Dei family with a child commencing Year 7 next year who has not submitted an application form, should contact Mrs Michelle Clarke at the College urgently to be placed on the Waiting List.


With very strong interest in places for next year, families who receive a Letter of Offer this week are asked to sign and return the Enrolment Acceptance Form and accompanying documentation as soon as possible to secure the place for their child.



Parents/carers of Year 7 and Year 9 students are reminded that the NAPLAN tests will take place in May and are invited to visit ACARA’s parent information page regarding the tests here.



This year ANZAC Day will occur early in Term 2, before the publication of the first College newsletter. With this in mind, we encourage our students and families to commemorate the day by attending the Dawn Service and the ANZAC March on Sunday, 25 April. We will commemorate ANZAC Day at the College in a special way during Homegroup and take time to acknowledge the sacrifices made by servicemen and women 100 years ago.


"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them."

Lest We Forget


Best wishes to Ms Karina Rudd who is commencing Parental Leave for the remainder of the year.


Mrs Thomas is on Personal Leave and will return for Term 2.


Thank you to all our College families for your support this term as partners in your child/children’s education. Thank you as well for your support of our College Lenten projects; Project Compassion and the Easter Egg Raffle for St Vincent De Paul.


May the renewal of life at Easter being us all new blessings of love, hope, peace, good health and happiness. Best wishes for a relaxing holiday break. 


I would like to remind parents/carers that there is no Staff Professional Learning Day to commence Term 2. All students will return to school on Monday 19 April.



Mr Daryl Lawrence | Acting Principal