From the Principal's desk 

The first 3 weeks of Term have been buzzing with learning and activities.  Our school was well represented at the Anzac Day celebrations with our school captains speaking at the ceremonies, laying the wreath, children marching and our school choir singing. 

In our second week, we had a visit from PAWS with their therapy dogs, our Mother's Day morning tea and our cross country. As always I had my camera at the ready and captured the below shots.

We are swiftly approaching Education Week and our school will be open to the public and accepting enrolments for 2023. We are open for school tours on  Tuesday 24th May at 9.15 am & 4.30 pm and on May 26th May at 9.15 and 2.30 pm. If these times do not suit and you would like a tour please ring the school and we are more than happy to arrange a time that works.


Also, a reminder that we now offer Out of Hours School Care. This can particularly come in handy for those mornings when you need to get to work earlier or conversely stay at work longer. I know in speaking with some families that cost has been a concern. Please see below a few different scenarios that may assist.


Full Family Fees:

BSC - $19.00 ASC - $26.00

Family A Example

Annual family income: $0.00 - $69,390 = 85% Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Out of pocket costs:BSC - $2.98 per child per Before School Care sessionASC - $3.90 per child per After School Care session

Family B Example

Annual Family Income: $78,390 - $81,390 = 81% Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Out of pocket costs:BSC - $3.73 per child per Before School Care sessionASC - $4.94 per child per After School Care session

Family C Example

Annual Family Income: $96,390 - $99,390 = 75% Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Out of pocket costs:BSC - $4.86 per child per Before School Care sessionASC - $6.50 per child per After School Care session



Debbie Oliver
