Visit to the Holocaust Centre

On the 28th of April Year 10 and Year 11 Students studying VCE Unit 1 Modern History boarded a bus to the Holocaust Centre, which is in a temporary location until the new museum opens.
On arrival students were given an overview of the Holocaust; the terrible fate of six million Jewish people who were murdered in Nazi occupied Europe. Primary Sources were used and the organizers were impressed with the quality of our student questions and responses.
The real highlight was the testimony of Paul Grinwald, a Holocaust Survivor who was born in Paris in 1933. He was only six when the Germans occupied Paris and our students really responded to his incredible experience:
‘The part that interested and intrigued me most was the Guardian Angel who helped you and your mum escape the forest. It’s unfortunate that we will never find out who he was?’
‘What struck me the most from your session is when you mentioned we are all one human race’.
‘Your experience was cinematic, as your life was like a movie”.
‘My favourite part of your stories, was that during those times, there are still loving and caring people in the world’.
Special thanks needs to go to Ms Kathleen Pryor who organized this excursion and our excellent students who made this a very special learning experience.