Year 11 Work Related Skills 

Careers News

Trades Hall Council Visit

On Tuesday 24/5, Toula and I accompanied the Year 11 VCAL group for a visit to the Trades Hall Council. There we learnt about the work of trades hall and the history of its formation. Travelling to the city we met at the 888 monument on the corner of Victoria St and Russell St. The monument commemorates the 8 Hours Movement which was initiated in Victoria in 1856 - 8 hours work, 8 hours recreation and 8 hours rest. We learnt that this represented a huge change from when workers might work longer than 12 hours each day and often with only one day of rest. From there we walked across for a tour of the trades hall where we learnt about the work of trades hall and the history of its formation- this we all found fascinating. 

Lastly, we ended up in their education space where we learnt about the Young Workers Centre which operates a community legal centre providing employment law assistance to young people working in Victoria. James our tour guide and education officer fielded questions from students about their own work situations, their rights, and conditions. Students were respectful, engaged and thoroughly enjoyed their day. Both Toula and I congratulate all the students on the way they conducted themselves-we look forward to more trips with this group. 



Trades Fit Expo for Girls

On Tuesday 17/5 we took a group of fifteen young girls from Year 9 and10 to the Melbourne Convention Centre Southbank for the Trades Fit Expo. 

The Trades Fit expo demonstrates the exciting world of trade and tech industries to young women and the rewarding, and well-paid career opportunities they can provide.

The Trades Fit - Young Women in Trades and Tech is an inaugural expo hosted by the Department of Education and Training. The expo highlights employment options within the trades and tech industries, with interactive displays set up for students to experience what these careers could be.

The expo introduced female students in Years 9 and 10 to career pathways in traditionally male dominated industries and provide information about how they can pursue exciting career opportunities in these fields.

With over sixty exhibitor’s and employers, the girls had an exciting time trying things like bricklaying, landscaping and locksmithing and talking to other females about their career choices and pathways to those vocations. The girls were fantastic and participated whole heartedly in all the activities. A big thank you to Toula and Karina Adams (Melbourne University Placement teacher) for coming along and helping make the day such a good one. 


Mr Devine

Careers & Vocational Education Coordinator