100 Years of Larnook PS

Cartoon by Hattie

Senior Literacy 

Last week the senior class took a look at a rather strange creature - the Bornean Bearded Pig!  This is a quite large native pig that lives in Borneo. 

And yes, it has a beard...

We read an interesting article about the pig and wrote dot points containing the facts. The children then transferred this factual knowledge into a creative task. They imagined a pig character and made a cartoon strip.  There were some entertaining responses!

School Centenary

This year it will be one hundred years since Larnook Public School was established. Sadly, due to COVID restrictions, the preparations for this event have been rather hampered. 

We plan to celebrate this important anniversary on the 22nd of June, which is Wednesday of week 9. 


We will be involving the children in research activities about the school history and are hoping to open a window into the past, as well as have a pizza lunch! 

We are seeking any information about the history of the school that the community has and are looking for a community co-ordinator to help us organise the day. 

If you are interested, or you know someone who has information to share, please contact the school via phone or email.