Welcome Back!

Chook art!

Welcome Back!

Term Two of 2022 has arrived and we are looking forward to a productive and uninterrupted term of learning and fun. We have already booked Tennis (Fridays) and Netball (Mondays) for our sports this term. As COVID restrictions continue to lift, we are excited to get back to a less restricted learning programme. We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday and hope to catch up soon.


Last week children from Kindy to year 6 participated in a shared drawing art lesson. Using a folded piece of paper, one person drew the front half of a chicken. 

Then the paper was passed onto a different person and they had to draw the back half, without looking at the front half!

The results were quite interesting, as you can see!

Information Breakfast

On Tuesday, 3rd May we are holding an information session and free croissant breakfast for parents, children and staff. This will be held between 9.30 and 10.30. After the breakfast, we will share some of the plans and staffing arrangements for the term. We hope to see you there!

Cross Country at Caniaba

A note went home about the Cross Country Carnival to be held at Caniaba on Friday, 29th April (today). Information was also sent home in the last newsletter of Term One. 

We hope the weather was kind... and that all runners did their best and had a great day.

Thank you for supporting this event.