We are incredibly excited to announce that Verney Road School will now be partnering with the Neighbourhood Schools (Mooroopna Primary, Mooroopna Park Primary, St George’s Road Primary, Gowrie Street and Wilmot Road) to offer Paediatric Clinics to Verney Road School students.
Dr Herath Wataliyadda will be stepping in to continue the role Dr Peter Eastaugh has provided the Neighbourhood Schools for some time now, continuing this outstanding work. Dr Herath has extensive Paediatric experience in her practice and also works at Greater Shepparton Secondary College, Rumbalara, Njernda and Shepparton Women’s Health Centre.
Initial appointments will run for 60 minutes and follow up appointments will run for thirty minutes; all appointments are bulk billed. Verney Road School staff can support families in attending and will be part of the appointments to offer a ‘wrap-around’ support.
The first day of clinic (located at Verney Road School) is Friday the 1st of April.
If you would like your student to see Dr Herath for paediatric input, please see your GP for a 12 month referral to Dr Herath Wataliyadda and forward to, contact the VRS Wellbeing Team for more information.