Middle Unit 

Years 1 and 2

No news this week.

Literacy Challenge: Year P-2

Write an acrostic poem about Woodend Primary School using the word “WOODEND”.


Wonderful students

Outstanding playgrounds

Year 3

We have been celebrating Chinese New Year this week in Year 3! Children have made lanterns and dragons and learnt about the Chinese zodiac in Maths. Children were excited to find out most of them were born in the year of the Tiger!


Congratulations to MU6 for their fantastic assembly performance last Friday. A beautiful rendition of the Indigenous Australian song “Inanay”. MU7 will have their turn this Friday 2nd of August with MU8 performing the following week Friday 9th of August.


In Maths, we started timestables challenges. We are working on ensuring we know how to work out multiplication sums as well as developing our mental strategies. We will be starting to work on Money next week, including counting out change.


There are some fantastic Fractured Fairytales being written in Grade 3 at the moment. We can’t wait to share them with you when we have finished publishing.


A reminder to please check the details on Compass about the upcoming Year 3 camp. A deposit ($40) needs to be paid by the 9th of August. Thank you


Miss Geer, Mrs Meggs and Miss Radz

Literacy Challenge: Year 3-6

Write an A-Z poem about Woodend Primary School


A great place to learn

Basketball is what I love to  play

Cannot wait for camp!