Our Catholic Identity

Bulli Parish Weekly Bulletin 

The parish will not be producing a parish bulletin until further notice. Included as attachments below are statements from Bishop Brian Mascord outlining the directives for the Church  such as Mass attendance, church closure, weddings, funerals and the sacraments.



Project Compassion

Wow! A huge thank you to all the students for their generosity in donating to Project Compassion ‘Go Further together 2020’.  As a school community we have raised more than $500. Special thanks goes to Yr 2J who have raised over $100. An amazing effort in giving generously this Lent to help needy people around the World.



Season of  Lent

This week Project Compassion brings you the story of Barry, a Gamilaroi man originally from western NSW. Barry is a father of four and he embodies resilience and strength. Growing up in a tough environment, he had to look inside himself to make the right choices for himself and his family.


Barry, and others like him, were able to take part in a cultural healing program called Red Dust Healing. This program encourages participants to examine their own personal hurt and allows them to heal from within, addressing family and personal relationships.


Your support of Project compassion can help build a brighter future for people like Barry through the Red Dust Healing program.


Let’s Go Further, Together! Lent.caritas.org.au

Sacramental Programs and Celebrations of the Sacraments

Preparation for and celebration of First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion for children will be postponed until further notice.

Holy Week

Celebration for Parishioners

At this time, the ceremonies of Holy Week will be celebrated privately by the bishop and made available on the diocesan website (dow.org.au) so they can be viewed and prayed.


St Joseph’s students will focus on the events of Holy Week through remote learning class activities.