Principal's Page

School Handbook

Home Learning has Arrived!

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have experienced primary school education like never before. We currently have over 80% of students learning at home using the work provided by teachers, and the Home Learning Packs. 


This is a period of significant adjustment for the school and our families. I am very appreciative of your patience as our mode of operation as a school, has and will continue to evolve in the coming weeks.


After the announcements by the Prime Minister and NSW Premier on Monday night and Tuesday morning respectively, we were in a position to implement the first part of our plan by the end of the school day on Tuesday.  Remembering that last week teachers were still teaching full classes of students from the usual class program of learning, whilst also preparing for what may eventuate as a result of COVID-19, I am incredibly proud and moved by the extra load they willingly undertook for our students in a world of unknowns.


Given that you as parents or carers have never needed to make provision for your children at home for their learning, we took a strategic decision to make this first week, time for settling into home learning for families. Teachers are very conscious of not overwhelming families and we are doing our best with the knowledge and resources we currently have to support you and your children.



Next week, we will move forward to the next step of our plan, and you and your children will receive a learning schedule for each day of the week. The learning schedules will be pushed out on SeeSaw and via Compass on Monday, possibly earlier, and learning resources for each day will be uploaded onto SeeSaw at 9:00 am each morning for that day's work.


Teachers will also include in the Week 10 learning schedule, a short video for students so that they can see their teacher and feel some connection. We are currently working on how we will provide greater connection between students and teachers. This is not as simple as it sounds given that families are in very different situations, have different online and technical capacities and that students range in age from 5 to 12 years of age. 



The school remains open for all students and they are very welcome. To those parents who need to send your children to school, your child is doing the same work as those students at home. They are supervised by staff who give support and ensure their wellbeing. Please check that your children have their learning packs each day. No formal lessons are taking place.



By Friday, I hope to be able to communicate how we may be able to support some families with a child in Kindergarten to Year 2 needing a device for home learning. 



I ask that you speak with your children, especially those in Years 3-6 about the school expectations for using technology. Messaging between students remains out of bounds unless previously arranged between parents and is supervised by parents. I strongly urge you to not let your guard down in relation to social media and have your rules and expectations clearly set up and understood by your child.

The Year 3 iPads will continue to be school managed with the hours of access in place as they have been. 



There is still much to be worked out for all schools and the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Wollongong. The considerations and contingencies are enormous for schools and I ask for your continued care, calm, and patience at this time. We have learned much this week that has informed how we will provide continuity of learning into Week 10. 


I know you will have many unanswered questions but please be assured that I will continue to communicate with parents as we become better at what we are putting into place for students and as the COVID-19 response from government, in relation to schools, develops.


Who knows what is down the track but for now, we are here, and we are focused on our students. May God continue to embrace our school community, pour truth and light upon us all, and grace us with strength, peace, and a sense of calm.


For all things at St Joseph’s, give thanks!

Jen Charadia



The staff has been extremely moved and motivated by the huge numbers of emails we have received from parents expressing gratitude for the work they have done to provide learning activities and resources for students. We are only at the beginning of all that is possible in the coming weeks and we are all so touched by your very kind words. Thanks for the thanks.

Measures to Support Families Experienceing Significant Financial Impact

Please download the letter below and feel free to contact the school with any financial matters you wish to discuss if in financial hardship.

Note:  St Joseph's Catholic Parish Primary School does not offer Direct Debit payment option

COVID-19 Catholic Education Information Centre

Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong has launched a new COVID-19 Information Centre on its website. It is the best place to find the latest information about CEDoW's systemic response to COVID-19.


Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong continues to receive advice from NSW Health, the Department of Education, Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW), and other agencies to ensure our processes and plans are in line with best practice and the latest expert advice.


At this stage, there has been no direction from government or CSNSW to close any schools, except in response to a positive COVID-19 diagnosis in a student or staff member. All CEDoW schools, including ours, continue to be open, subject to the directives outlined on the COVID-19 Information Centre webpage.


We will continue to provide you with updates if the situation changes and as soon as new information becomes available.

CatholicCare Support

Principal Awards and Merit Awards

Principal's Awards and Merit Awards will resume at a date to be advised.

Acknowledgment to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.