Learning Centre News

Wyndham Mayor Visits Learning Centre Two

This week the Mayor of Wyndham, Mia Shaw and the Iramoo councillors, Heather Marcus and Peter Maynard, visited the Year 3/4 students as part of their Inquiry unit titled "We live in a democratic country." 

They provided information to the students about what their council does, how the councillors and Mayor are elected and an overview of a day in the life of the Mayor. Students then had the opportunity to ask questions and offer suggestions to better improve Wyndham City Council. The students had a great morning and were very excited about meeting the Mayor Shaw. We look forward to the running of our own elections in the coming weeks. Get ready for some political parties and their advertising. We'll keep you updated.

The Power of Reading



Please consider creating a reading habit at home. Small steps equal enormous gains across the year and leads to confident readers and worldly learners. Each child has a reading diary across Prep - Six that should be used across the school week.