RE News

Lenten Prayer for Ash Wednesday

God of goodness and mercy,

Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you. Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart and soul, noticing the times I turn away from you. Guide me as I humbly seek to repent and return to your love.

May humility guide my efforts to be reconciled with you and live forever in your abundant grace.

Transform me this Lent, heavenly Father. Give me the strength to commit myself to grow closer to you each day.


Social Justice Leaders


During the time of Lent our 2019 social justice team will distribute Project Compassion boxes to each learning group. Please help your child to think of giving up something or doing a job at home for a small amount and donating it to their Project Compassion Box. All money will support Caritas Australia in it's charity endeavours.


Each week in Lent the Social Justice leaders will run a weekly raffle in each Learning Centre called Feast or Famine. Children can purchase raffle tickets for 10cents each or 3 for 20cents. Each week 10 names will be called out in each centre - 5 ticket holders will receive  receive hot chips and 5 a bowl of rice each. Please support their efforts.

Sacrament of Penance Family Evening Reflection

We had a wonderful evening with Paul Spence who led families through a conversation about the word Hamartia - Aramaic for  "miss the mark". This was the language at the time of Jesus and they did not have a word for sin. We, as individuals and families, prepare ourselves throughout the Lenten season to reflect on what we can to for others and ourselves as we journey through Lent to Easter. 

Sacramental Program Dates

A reminder to families that we have the dates attached as Sacramental Program dates for 2019. P


First Reconciliation/Penance - Wednesday, 27th March at 6.30pm - St. Andrew's Church.

First Eucharist - Sunday June 2nd with 1pm and 3pm times if we have more than one mass, depending on the number of candidates. Mass celebrated at St. Andrew's Church

Confirmation - Friday, August 30th at 6.30pm - OLSC Sports Centre.


Sacramental Journals have been sent home over the past fortnight. Families can still return their Intention Form to participate in the Sacramental program and will be given a journal. If you have any questions please see Paul or email