Principal's Page

School Handbook

Ash Wednesday and Lent

Dear Parents/Carers

Today, Ash Wednesday, we enter the very holy and sacred time of Lent. The seasons of Lent and Easter offer us a unique way to reflect on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Not just as an historical account but as a time when we take stock of that very sacred 'paschal mystery' in our own lives and in the lives of the students we educate together as the staff of St Joseph's with you as parents. We all have a very unique ministry given to us by the grace of our creator.


This is a most significant time in our liturgical year and I encourage all of us, firstly as Catholics, and secondly as parents and staff in a Catholic school, to take the time to read through and reflect on the document attached from Bishop Brian Mascord. 

A message from Bishop Brian on the blessing of Ash Wednesday Ashes


My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

In early January, I wrote to the faithful of the diocese at a time when many within our communities were still fighting the bushfires or trying to come to terms with the feelings of loss and grief associated with the bushfires. Since that time, I have had the opportunity to visit a number of communities throughout our diocese in the Shoalhaven, Wingecarribee and Wollondilly regions, seeing the destruction firsthand. Importantly, these trips gave me the chance to simply be with, pray with and listen to the many stories from shocked, impacted, overwhelmed and brave people.


There have been incredible outpourings of support for the communities impacted by these fires. I continue to be heartened by the stories of unity and generosity that continue to bring people together in the aftermath of the fires, from within the impacted communities, from our diocesan agencies, our parishes and wider communities who have sought to generously donate money, time, goods and services to help those impacted and to help communities rebuild.


As a way of continuing to prayerfully show solidarity with each other, we have collected ashes from areas representing the diocesan regions ravaged by fire. I have blessed them this morning at St Francis Xavier Cathedral and have invited my clergy to add them to the ashes of their own community to be used in Ash Wednesday celebrations.


I trust that they will be, as always, a powerful symbol of the start of our Lenten journey, but particularly this year, a powerful symbol of our journeying with others in our diocese, especially those amongst us in the recovery phase.


Yours in Christ

Most Rev Brian G Mascord DD

WIN News Celebrates Sophia's First Day at School

Last week WIN news came to St Joseph's to report on Sophia J in Kindergarten. Like all of our Kindergarten students, Sophia has settled into school life and is confidently learning and making friends. 

Sharon Bird MP visit's SJB

Last week the Hon Sharon Bird, Federal Member for Cunningham, visited St Joseph's.  We thank Sharon for her support of our successful application for the Local Schools Community Fund in late 2019. 


St Joseph's was provided with $7000 which partially funded the installation of synthetic grass on our playground. The installation of the grass is now complete to the delight of our students. 


Next Week We Celebrate Catholic Schools' Week

Catholic Schools Week (CSW) will be held from 1 -7 March. Our theme this year is ‘Embracing our future together’.


CSW is about celebrating the diversity and uniqueness of Catholic education and is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of our school community. CSW also marks the beginning of the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong enrolment period. 


Please click here to access a CEDoW school enrolment package.


The week is designed to be a lively celebration and shared with members of our parish and the wider Catholic community. Our school is planning a number of activities that showcase the wonderful teaching and learning opportunities that St Joseph's provides our students. We will also focus on the ways that our school supports the more vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our wider community.


Listed below is a schedule of events for the week that families, parents and friends are invited to attend:


Monday 2 March

Kindergarten sing at morning assembly 8:55 am - All welcome


Wednesday 4 March:

Year 2 present at morning assembly 8:55am - All welcome

Years 5 and 6 School Newsletter Special 


Thursday 5 March:

12:00 pm Parish Mass followed by parishioners visit to the school.


Friday 6 March:

Open Classroom 2:00 pm

All parents, carers and families welcome.


Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to seeing you during Catholic Schools Week 2020.

Kindergarten Meet and Greets

Week 5 and 6

Kindergarten Meet and Greets commenced this week and will continue until the end of Week 6 - Friday 8 March.


The purpose of a Meet and Greet between a teacher and parents/ carers, is to start to build that important home and school relationship.  It is a time for parents to assist the teacher to know and support your child for their learning. 


These meetings are 15 minutes in duration.  If you need to discuss anything in detail, please make arrangements at an alternative time via the school office.

Kindergarten Parent 2020 Welcome Night

Kindergarten parents are invited to a special night on Thursday 19 March from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Please join us for this opportunity to socialise and connect with other Kindergarten parents, our P&F parents and school staff.  (Parents only, no children)


Term 1 - Week 6

Principal Awards

Monday  2 March 2020

The following students will receive their Principal Awards on Monday 2 March at 2pm in the hall.


Lachlan G Yr3 - 2nd

Harper A Yr1 - 1st

Wes P Yr1 - 1st

James B Yr1 - 1st

Amelie M Yr2 - 2nd

Kate H Yr3 - 3rd

Thomas S Yr1 - 1st

Lani B Yr1 - 1st

Nash H Yr2 - 2nd

Ruben D Yr5 - 5th

Emma H Yr1 - 1st

Zaphie S Yr2 - 2nd

Acknowledgment to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.