Foundation Unit

This week in Reading, students have continued to develop their one to one correspondence when reading, ensuring they are pointing to each word as they read. We have also been working on identifying what is a letter, word and a sentence. 


In Writing students have been working on identifying the who, what doing, what and where from a story and then creating a detailed illustration to match. 


Students have also been practising their letters and sounds. This fortnight students have been working on the following letters and sounds ‘s,a,t,p,i,n,m’. We have begun practising writing these letters and creating words with these letters too. 


In Maths, students have been exploring numbers and how they can represented in lots of different ways. They have been exposed to drawings, blocks, tally marks, number lines, digits and many more. 


It is great to see so many students bringing in their reader bags daily and reading at home. Please remember to read at least 4 times a week with your child and record this in their reading log book. 


Finally, a gentle reminder to ensure your child returns their brown bag of artefacts tomorrow the 17th of February. 

Foundation Teachers

Courtney Lawrence/Alison Meggs, Sally Quinn, Libby Cannon