From the Principal, 

Diana Ellis

School Council Annual General Meeting

Each year our School Council is required to have an Annual General Meeting so new members can be nominated.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday March 20th in the staff room at school.


Privacy statement

Please see attached updated DET Privacy Collection Notice (information for students, parents & carers) dated 31.01.2023


Meet and Greet 

On behalf of all of the staff at WPS we would like to take the opportunity to say a big thankyou to all parents/guardians who made the time to engage in discussions with your child’s teacher. Although these meetings were brief, it provides a valuable opportunity for people to meet one another and share valuable information that could support your child’s learning.


Curriculum Days

This year we will continue to have our Curriculum Days on the first day of term as per the dates below.

We have been informed by the Department of Education that we are also required to have two Professional Practice Days for our staff.  We will let parents know once confirmed by DET.


Staff Training

This year at school we have students with diabetes, cystic fibrosis and students who are anaphylactic. To ensure our staff know how to provide the best care for students our staff have participated in a number of professional learning opportunities over the last few weeks and have completed CPR, Protecting Children (Mandatory Reporting) and Diabetes Training. 

In classrooms

Each week my greatest joy is visiting classrooms and asking students about what they are learning and what they are learning to do. Asking the question ”what are you learning about” usually results in simple answers such as writing, maths, the environment, mini beasts etc.

When I ask the question ”what are you learning to do? I generally get a deeper answer such as I am learning to write using full stops and capital letters or I am learning to place numbers correctly on a number line. 

Each morning myself, our Assistant Principal (Elissa) and our Inclusion, Learning, Engagement Specialist (Kylie) try to spend some time in the classrooms. This gives us an opportunity to talk with students about their learning and also an opportunity to observe classroom practices and provide feedback to the teacher.


Harvest Stall

A big thankyou to Nicole and the parents who work tirelessly in our beautiful garden patch at the back of the school. Each Monday these parents volunteer their time to take Gardening Club and teach the students about planting, care of plants, harvesting and sustainable practices. On Monday after school the Harvest Stall showcased the many different fruits and vegetables going in our garden. Thankyou to all of the parents that came along and purchased products.


Diana Ellis