School News
Sports News
Last Friday 17th February the Year 5/6 Students played their first Interschool Sport fixture for the year against Croydon PS. The results were as follows. A student has written a report for each sport.
Softcross Won 7-3
Riley5/6A- On Friday we played Croydon PS in Softcross we had an amazing time. We won. The score was 7-3 we all played fairly and showed amazing teamwork.
Girls Basketball Lost
Lilly 5/6A- On Friday the Girls Basketball team played against Croydon PS. Unfortunately we lost. The scores where 10-8. Everyone played really well and we had a lot of fun.
Open Basketball Won 18-8
Jinwei 5/6A- Last Friday the Senior students played there first inter school sport game. We played open basketball against Croydon PS and we won 18-8. Everyone played really well and had great sportsmanship
Volley bounce Lost 1-2
Matilda 5/6A- We played against Croydon PS. The score was 1-2 . Sadly we lost . The best players where Ezra, Matilda and Penny. We all played really well and had great team work.
Kanga Cricket Lost 52-88
Percy 5/6A- On Friday we played Croydon PS and did pretty well! However in Kanga Cricket, we lost by 36 runs. Our best players where Percy(me) Mitchell and Marly. Everyone played fairly and had good sportsmanship. We played really well! I got a golden duck , Mitchell got a couple 4s and Marly was amazing at fielding. No one was upset and everyone enjoyed the rest of their day.
Hotshots Won
Zoe 5/6A- I played tennis on Friday against Croydon PS. I won my set, the score was 10-3 we won by 7 points. We all played amazing and had great sportsmanship. The best players where Annabel, Zoe Xanthe and Sam .
Our newsletter is an intergeral part of our school and a main source of information and news about what is happening around MPS.
The newsletter is published fortnightly. In previous years it has been sent on the odd weeks of the term this year it will be sent on the even weeks.
Please keep your eyes open for our news letters as it is always full of up coming events, important dates to remember and communications to families.