Respectful Relationships & Wellbeing News

Berry Street and Respectful Relationships


We would love to see you on Monday the 20th of March at 2:30pm for a special afternoon in the classrooms to share what we doing in wellbeing.  Run by the teachers, you will see some Smiling Minds, Berry Street or Respectful Relationships activities in action. We are really proud of the work we do in this space and would love to share this with you.


Emotional Literacy 


Research shows that students who participate in rigorously designed and well taught social and emotional learning programs demonstrate more positive social behaviour, are less likely to engage in risky and disruptive behaviour, and show improved academic outcomes. Collaborative learning activities help students to build their social skills. Building a large vocabulary for emotions helps to increase emotional literacy, build self-awareness and empathy for others. As a school we are working on helping students 'Name their emotion so they can tame their emotions when they need too'. This clip does a fantastic job explaining why all our emotions are important and being able to talk about them with our children is vital to be able to help them.  


Simon Brown

Head of Wellbeing