Middle School News

We can't believe we have already finished week 4. What an amazing start the grade 3's and 4's have had! 

               Grade 3's  


Grade 3’s are preparing for NAPLAN, which starts in week 8. During Literacy, students have been exploring Persuasive texts and Literacy Conventions.  


During Maths, the students have been using number lines as a tool to enhance their number sense. Students have been focusing on counting backward and forward and promoting number relationships. 

Thank you so much for all the parents who joined us on Thursday morning to see all the amazing work your children have been working on. We loved seeing all of the parents proud of how hard their children have been working during Literacy and Numeracy. 


Specialist Timetable 

Just a reminder to make sure your child is wearing their sports uniform on P.E days and their correct school uniform on every other day (this includes wearing hats in Term 1 and Term 4). Grade 4's are allowed to wear their P.E uniform on Thursday for Class Sport. 








                      Grade 4's 


In Literacy, students have continued with Spelling Mastery. We have loved the positive mindset each student has shown during these lessons. 

In Writing,  grade 4’s have been working hard during The Writing Revolution lessons, focussing on sentence structure. Students have focussed on why upgrading verbs is such a powerful tool to make our sentences more specific. Students have been writing upgraded sentences, changing basic verbs into more specific ones. 


During Maths, we finished exploring Place Value and regrouping numbers up to tens of thousands. Students used the place value chart to recognise the value of numbers depending on where they are placed in a number sentence. Next week we will focus on Addition and subtraction. 


With Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday around the corner, students have been focusing on Lent during our R.E lessons and the importance behind Lent. In Respectful Relationships, we have continued looking at personal strengths and identifying how team strengths are used in collaborative play. 


We were lucky enough to have buddy time this week where we incorporated our topic focus, 'Our Health is Our Wealth' into a fun-filled buddy activity. 


What a fantastic way to finish off week 3 with a KABOOM!  We had so much fun participating in lots of different activities and games. 


Matilda Tench 

Middle Leader

Teacher contact details

Alice Healey      ahealey@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Meg Tucker       mtucker@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Matilda Tench  mtench@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Joanne Collins  jcollins@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au