Junior School News 

Prep 1 & 2

Dear Families, 

We can hardly believe that it is week 4 already! The children have settled in beautifully and are more comfortable and confident in their new class environments. 


Student's had so much fun doing all the different activities and mixing with other students in their house teams. There was smiles, laughter and excitement from start to finish! Well done to our awesome Year 6 leaders for for taking students through the activities. 

Special shot out to Miss Donnelly for being such a great sport and showing off her impressive dance moves! 


Paramedic Visit 

On Friday we had a very special visit from Michaela the Paramedic. We learned about how Paramedic's help us, what to do if someone is unconscious and how to call 000. We also got to see inside an ambulance and  how paramedic's get patients onto an ambulance with a stretcher. 

Respectful Relationships Open Day

On Monday March 20th Parent's are invited to join classes for their Respectful Relationships lessons @2:30 to celebrate Harmony Day. Further communication will be sent closer to the time. 

Prep News 

Our fantastic Preps are really getting used to our classroom routines and expectations. We have been focusing really hard during our explicit teaching sessions so busy breaks are a must to ensure students can remain working to the best of their ability. One way we break up the time spent on our sit spots is dancing! 

We have been flying through learning our sounds and so far have covered 'm', 's', 'f',' a', 'p', 't' and 'c'. Each time we learn a new sound, the student's make crafts out of the letters. These pictures provide the children with a connection to the letter sound as they add it to their memory banks.  We call this mnemonics.

Have a look at some of our amazing patterns.

The Preps are absolutely loving their Music classes with Miss Robertson and Japanese with Bunn Sensei. 

Year One News 

Welcome back Miss Rafferty! Another MSL pro added to our Junior Team. 

Our Years One's spend the few minutes of each morning in their class welcome circle, where we go through our daily schedule, pray and check in with our peers. We use a 'Positive Primer ' to end our welcome circles. This week the Year Ones have been passing messages on via back writing. 

We are continuing to revise closed syllable words; where our vowel is trapped and can not say it's name e.g. flip, chip, shop.

We have been focusing on the irregular words 'was' and 'want', mapping them out using sound boxes and putting a 'heart' over the irregular sound.  


In writing we are learning to expand our sentences to include a 'when' and  'where'. 

In Maths we posed yes/no questions to gather information. We found out the most popular pet in 1R was from displaying our information on a graph. We have also been looking at modelling numbers using tens frames, concrete materials and ordering numbers from smallest to largest.


Year Two News

Miss Donnelly getting into the swing of things..

In Writing, our Year Two student's have explored the difference between a subject and a verb. Can you tell from these pictures which are subjects and which are verbs? 

In Maths we have finalised our Data unit for this term. We used tally marks to collect data in the yard and displayed it on a graph. We have also been exploring number, looking at the place value of three and four digit numbers through games and practising correct number formation. 

Some special pictures of our Respectful Relationships lesson on teamwork, storytime and lunch outside with our friends.


Bronagh Maloney

Junior Leader






