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Across Campus
Justice, Clubs, Excursions
Library Lover’s Day – “Only You” - 14 February 2023
The theme for Library Lover’s Day - “Only You”…
Only You / Can make the world seem right
Only you / Can make the darkness bright…
Is your world a better place because of your library?
Sparkly and chocolate hearts were given out at the front gate to commence our “Library Lovers’ Day”. The MRC was beautifully decorated with hearts and red coloured romance books as well as the outside trees aflutter with hearts. We all felt the love.
It has been great to have so many classes booking the MRC for lessons in promotion of literature. The Year 7s have had their first Wider Reading class and have all had the opportunity to borrow. 8 Green have begun their Book Trailer lessons, 8 Silver have visited for crime fiction and 8 Blue have had a “new” releases session. The love of reading is certainly alive and well at the Academy.
Happy Reading
Ms Anne Chowne & Ms Cathy Bennett
MRC Co-Learning Leaders